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Let's figure out where you are on your journey...

I have true self-help tools.

Step #1 - Take advantage of my FREE offers



Get Inspired through the Reset Yourself 22 Podcast

All you need to do is at your leisure listen to my podcast to get inspired and listen to me yell at you in a loving way.


Every Tuesday I record a new podcast which can be heard on many different platforms.


Enjoy on your favorite podcast platform or you can easily listen just by asking Alexa or your Google assistant to play the Reset Yourself 22 podcast. 


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Download my FREE
Reset Yourself Workbook 

It’s a 3-Step Interactive Guide to Reclaim Your Life without Sacrificing your Identity and Dreams.

Step One: Cultivating Awareness that Our Responses are Shaped by Programming

Step Two: Expanding Horizons to Challenge Unconscious Conditioning and Disrupting Conditioned Responses

Step Three: Substituting Reactions with Intentional Responses, Paving the Way for Actionable Change


This is a must read for anyone looking to make changes last! Get it now.


Mind's Eye Meditation YouTube Channel

Consider this a Meditation 101, a chance to quiet the mind and find peace. The goal is to allow you to feel more relaxed, more confident, and in better control of your thoughts.


Every Monday I record and share a new meditation so please check back often.

Since 2003, meditating has been a very special part of my life, and it has kept me going through all of life's hurdles.
I have been asked by many throughout the years about it and everyone seems to have an interest but think they "can't".  I invite those that feel they can't. I want to share with you that place I have found to help me cope.

Namaste'  ॐ

Step #2 - Try the Do-It-Yourself Approach

Step #3 - Schedule a One-on-One

Online Session ($100 per session)


Jimmy Gonzalez, CCH

Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Mindset Coach, Spiritual Advisor & Energy Healer

Specialties & Expertise:

  • Burnout / Stress Management 

  • Overcoming Phobias/Fears

  • Insomnia and Sleep Issues

  • Lack of Motivation

  • Regaining Zest for Life / Turning Off Autopilot

  • Negative Belief Systems

  • Low Self-Esteem / Self Worth

  • Releasing Past Relationships 

  • Mind - Body - Spirit Connection

Treatment Approaches:

  • Life / Mindset Coaching

  • Hypnotherapy / Regression to Cause

  • Goal Setting

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) / Anchoring

  • Tapping & Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

  • Breathwork

  • Mindfulness Practices

  • Reiki / Energy / Sound Healing

  • Therapeutic Journaling

  • Supportive Talk Therapy


Adults 18+

Insurance / Out of Pocket Fees:

Jimmy Gonzalez is not in-network with any insurances.

Individual One-Hour Sessions:   $100 per session

Message to Clients

Whenever YOU get knocked down, remember YOU can always get back up.  You are a beautiful work in progress, and although we are not perfect, there is always an opportunity to RESET YOURSELF.               


The methods I follow and share, can help give YOU the reset button.

My Approach

How did my path lead me to you?  


Are you searching for guidance?  


In need of healing; physically, mentally, spiritually?  


We have all been there at some point in our lives.  I have been through the roller coaster ride of life just like you have and want to be there to help share some stories, methods and advice that I have benefited from along the way.  

I am a true believer that the best teachers are those that have experienced difficult situations and made themselves better using their own hard lessons to help others.  I have learned a lot of coping skills, true healing techniques, and how to reprogram your mind to work positively for you.  I am obsessed with helping people.  I truly believe in people and dedicate my life to making other's lives better a little at a time.  

Through my different treatment approaches, I assist YOU in guiding YOU to get back on the path YOU want to be on and to believe in yourself again. YOU may be a product of YOUR environment and have been engrained with ways of thinking that YOU now realize are not even yours!  

My focus is to change the way YOU see yourself and your perception of the world around YOU.  I help you connect the dots backwards to see how the dots are connected.  We sometimes are so focused on one aspect of our lives that you can't see the big picture.

The key is to be painfully honest with yourself and go inward to identify your strengths and weaknesses and what YOU are passionate about.

I then will assist YOU in laying out a realistic plan to best attain the goals YOU will need to work towards to be successful with your career, relationship, and health.

Not everyone is a candidate for all of my approaches, that's why it's so important to get to the root of the problem first and together we map out the best plan going forward. The first step is booking an appointment so let's take that first step together.


I have known of Jimmy for quite some time because of our mutual passion for animals and the “work” we have both done with them for many years.  I have watched as his career path changed from being an Animal Control Officer to a Spiritual Healer/Motivational Speaker. Always in awe as he seamlessly finds a way to walk a path to be there for whomever needs his calming touch and undying empathy … animal and human alike. That’s why there was such a draw to seek him out when I hit a very difficult time in my life back in September of 2021.
You see, I had lost someone I loved very much due to insecurities I never realized were living inside of me. Past relationships and a deeply devastating divorce three years prior left me broken in ways I couldn’t comprehend and because of that I never addressed my fears and pain either. I felt so many emotions with this new loss. I was filled with major anxiety and so many questions. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat and was so angry at myself for losing the person I thought was finally my forever. I reached out to Jimmy because something told me he could help. The first day I walked into his office or as I refer to it … his healing space … the sense of peace that came over me was immediate. With one of his warm hugs to welcome me there I knew I was going to be ok and together we would find the answers. Upon completion of our first session and hypnosis my anxiety was gone. I was amazed!!!! I left his healing space with a better understanding of myself, my past situations and the current one which had brought me to my knees for a short while. It only took a few months of our meeting to get me back to a place where I knew myself again. To a better version of me. One with a full heart, a peaceful mind, a solid vision and a love for myself which I had lost somewhere along the way.
I am stronger and happier than I have ever been, and I owe that to Jimmy! His words are calming yet they challenge you to see things for a better understanding of life.
Jimmy inspires you to dig deep and look at situations from different perspectives. Through him I was able to forgive those from my past. Able to let go of insecurities that didn’t serve my future and to move forward with a more educated mind and clear heart.
I will never be able to say enough good things about his beautiful soul. Yet I can tell you that he was meant to what it is he is doing, and one can only benefit from your time with him.
Thank You Jimmy,
- Kim Inglis


Just WOW. From the time you walk into the door until the time you leave, you can feel the positive energy and the kindness in these walls. Melissa who is the lady up front she is so knowledgeable in astrology and she’s just such a gentle person. Jimmy too, very gentle, intuitive… you can tell he REALLY cares about human and animal wellness… this is not a job to him, it’s healing, he educated us, makes you feel like so good about yourself… I walked out of there, feeling so refreshed mentally and physically. Thank you. Noema!!!!

- Crystal Moon


Jimmy González is a master at his craft. He works with you as a human being, not just another number in a book. He personalizes his experience with you and takes you on a journey of self-discovery that I, personally, wouldn't trust to take anywhere else, simply because he offers a safe, calm, understanding, non-judgmental place for you to discover yourself to an extent that you wouldn't think possible. Unlike others in this field, Jimmy doesn't just read straight out of a book; each session spent with him is specifically tailored to your particular situation making the experience extremely intimate and moving. He lets YOU take the reigns and studies YOU as a person and takes that information to move forward with what he thinks would fit you as an individual. After just one past life regression session, I now hold knowledge about myself and several lives I've lived through that scarily pertain to my current waking life... if you're a non-believer, I BEG you to see Jimmy. I can honestly say that there is no other experience like the one that he offers; if you're looking for the next best thing in healing, you've come to the right place. I won't go to anyone else for this type of holistic healing, and I'll be making my next appointment soon!

-Silas Gonzalez


I could write books about Jimmy and my experience with his hypnosis, podcasts, mind’s eye meditation, home clearing and auric shift photos of my pup. His unique expression of the work mentioned comes through in his lifetime of lessons, compassion, insight, deep knowledge with people and animals AND all of his training in the work he dedicates his life to. This is a divine soul with a higher purpose to elevate the lives of those who are fortunate to encounter him!  As a Massage Therapist & a Reiki Healer, I am super selective with whom I allow to give me these services. Jimmy is my HEALER!! He’s a master at his craft. Don’t let my words convince you- get a session (or two) and explore the journey within his healing space in Middletown. There is also crystals, sage, and other yummy treasures for purchase if you so choose to shop while there.  Well, words can only do so much. Reach out to Jimmy or just sign up for his meditation to see what all the hype is about. I promise, YOU WILL BE FOREVER GRATEFUL! I know I am!  Thank you, Jimmy G!!! Peace & Light! PS- I just had another hypnosis session with him to stay on track and already the progress is showing!

-Annie Ambrose


Jimmy is truly AMAZING! He has a wonderful ability to make you feel comfortable and at ease throughout the entire process. I smoked for over 30 years, so I was very skeptical that hypnosis could work for me, but I decided to give it a try, and I will forever be thankful to him. I can finally say that I am a former smoker. Thank you, Jimmy!

-Marlen Diaz​


I will be making more appointments with Jimmy. He is kind and truthful and listens to everything you say.

-Laura Tarca


I will be making more appointments with Jimmy. He is kind and truthful and listens to everything you say.

-Laura Tarca




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