(Transcribed from Spreaker)
Have you ever said to yourself…If I won the lottery I could do so much!
Or things will get easier if I lost weight?
Maybe if I had a better job I could pay for this or that.
The notion of waiting for a “Golden opportunity” is such a common trap so many people fall into. This concept suggests that there’s a perfect moment or situation that will suddenly present itself, bringing with it the chance to achieve our dreams or make significant progress in our lives. While the idea of a golden opportunity can be alluring, it often leads to procrastination and missed chances.
Is there a perfect moment?
Well yes! And when it happens it is pretty amazing but if you are waiting and waiting and waiting and the perfect moment is not jumping out at you, are you just going to continue to wait? I do look for opportunities to happen and there have been times that the stars magically lined up for me and the doors opened up and I jumped right through but there have also been times when I wanted something and the doors just would not open! So I tried the knob on that door which I wished would open and then I knocked and sometimes I would force it myself and go right on through now of course knowing that in away I was manipulating the possible results of me making things happen a little prematurely but I understood and was prepared for the consequences. But as for the Myth of the Perfect Moment. Does there always have to be a perfect moment? In my opinion one major flaw in waiting for a golden opportunity is the myth of the “perfect” moment. Life is inherently unpredictable and rarely aligns with our ideal plans. The perfect job, the ideal relationship, or the most opportune time to start a new venture might never materialize. Especially, when you want or how you would exactly wish it to happen. I tend to almost always get what I want but there is always a catch. But I have become ok with this way of living my life. In the end I pretty much get what I wanted and for that I am always so incredibly grateful. Understand that by by waiting for such moments, we risk stagnation, as we’re not actively engaging with the opportunities that are already available right in front of our faces. There are times that it is ok to wait for that right moment and stars to line up just right. there will be times that you must
Create Opportunities. Instead of waiting for a miraculous chance, it’s often more effective to create opportunities through consistent effort and adaptability. Many successful people didn’t wait for the stars to align; they forged their own paths through hard work, perseverance, and by seizing the smaller chances that came their way. Opportunities are often born from taking initiative and making the most out of the resources at hand.
What is a key factor with many not willing to even try and instead make up excuses why it would be best to wait until things are just perfect. But how often does perfection actually happen?
Wouldn't it be great to have a crystal ball? A way to see into the future and learn if you just made a genius decision or a big mistake? Did you ever use the magic 8 ball or a card reader to let you know if your decision was going to be a good one or a bad one! What if the answer given was not what you wanted to hear? Did you still decide to move ahead and do it anyway? Let me mention some people that missed out on an opportunity because they chose the wrong door! Remember ATARI? The video game! Atari founder Nolan Bushnell actually turned down the opportunity to invest $50,000 in seed money into Apple. Turns out that at Atari, Bushnell was one of Steve Jobs' first bosses. Had Bushnell said yes, he would have owned a third of Apple, a company that is today valued at about $480 billion. So what happened? Bushnell declined to invest in the machine, and has said that at the time he simply had no interest in home computers. He could have maybe done a little more research. How about taking advice from someone that should not be dishing it out! You really should not ask a florist for advice about putting up a stone wall! Or a doctor about the best places to stay in Vegas.
Always check the source.
Parents are wonderful and we tend to allow them to give out advice even when you know and I know they really do not have a foot to stand on when it comes to certain topics but its your parents! They know it all….well they may but about it all? Maybe not. When you are up against making a decision it is always best to do your own research. In my opinion it is best to make the final decision. If it does not work out, the only person you will have to blame is yourself. Which, at least in my mind, it is easier for me to blame myself and learn from my mistake. Based on the research. That I did. Instead of pointing fingers at other people that when all is said and done. Really didn't have the knowledge to give me advice. And if anything, we're only doing it because they cared. Which is nice. but not good enough. Here is a great story well not to so great story about Joe Green, Mark Zuckerberg's college roommate. Joe turned down an offer to help Zuckerberg start out this new project called Facebook. Yes, he turned it down! When the two were at Harvard, they created a Hot-or-Not-style website called Facemash, which got the pair in trouble with the university. But soon thereafter Mark Zuckerberg asked Green to help him with Facebook, but Joe Green's dad discouraged his son from doing another project with Zuck. I mean after Facesmash got them both in trouble with the university it seemed only right to stay away from trouble. So he turned down Mark. Well, you know by now that it may have been a bad decision for Joe Green! I Green joined the company in those early days, he would have gotten about about a 5% stake, which today would be worth about…….ready! $7 billion dollars!
My parents God rest their souls were the kings of never taking a risk and almost always taking advice from the wrong person. How often they would come to me for advice and if I felt I was not educated enough on the topic I would either do the research for them or advise them to speak to someone knowledgeable on the topic. Well, they almost always made the wrong decision because they always ended up going to someone for advice that claimed they knew enough about the topic in question. Then they would be angry at this person which was not educated enough on the topic! So shame on them, not the know it all! Always know the source of person that is advising you! Not sure if maybe they do know? Then get a second, third, and fourth opinion! If your gut is telling you "NO" then stop and think! The end result should always be your final decision! No phone a friend unless they are knowledgeable.
Now lets visit the lottery! Such a fascinating and enjoyable concept, can you win…well people have. But how many in comparison from those that have lost. Millions of Americans play the lottery every year. It’s no surprise why… The lottery offers a chance to win life-changing money while only risking a few dollars. Lottery statistics show that Americans spent $105.26 billion on lottery tickets last year, making it the most popular form of gambling in the U.S. This is expected to increase to a massive $194.14 billion by 2025. The truth is that the lottery is big business. How many dreams or goals do you have on the chalk board waiting and waiting for it to happen but only when things hopefully line up? There are always many steps you can take right now before you get the cash or an investor to believe in your dream. There are groups that will invest in your idea and happily throw money at you but you must show you have all of your ducks in a row to get someone to invest in you I think an important question you must ponder is how much do you believe In yourself and your idea! One of the main things the sharks on Sharktank look for unless they are buying the company out from under you is that you believe in the product! Are you are willing to lose sleep to do all you can do to do it!
Confidence is key! Do you believe In what you are selling? If not then why would anyone else! If you’re always waiting for the perfect time to start something new, you’ll never begin. Stop waiting for the perfect moment and start now.
Lets talk about the Power of Action! Action often precedes opportunity. When you take steps toward your goals, you create momentum and begin to pave the way for new opportunities to arise. For example, if you’re looking for a new career path, actively networking, developing new skills, and applying for positions can lead to unexpected openings and connections. By being proactive, you’re not waiting for something to come to you; you’re making things happen. But what if it goes wrong and doesn’t happen exactly how you wish!
Embrace Imperfection! Another key point is recognizing that not every opportunity will be perfect. Sometimes, the “golden” opportunity we envision might not look exactly as we anticipated. Embracing imperfection and being open to various outcomes can lead to surprising and valuable experiences. Taking imperfect opportunities can still lead to significant growth and success. I can think of many things I wanted and as I was waiting for it to manifest I found out that for it to happen some things had to be a little different and I was may not have been ok with it then but as I have gotten older and wiser I have begun to master the art of picking my battles.
There is a battle many of us deal with. Have you been wanting to eat better? Have you been meaning to workout more? Have you been wanting to get out of your job for quite some time? Have you been thinking that you really should end a relationship that no longer serves you? Are you longing to pick up a sport or hobby? BUT jimmy It’s too hard. Or where do I start? Or maybe you just don’t know where to start. Maybe your finances aren’t in order. Or this is not the time to start something new cause of responsibilities like Your family needs you. Or you are juggling too much! Maybe you feel that you are too old. Too tired. You’re not smart enough. There can be an excuse for everything. And you may have been holding on to excuses for years. They just roll off the tongue. Like “Hi, how are you? But you then begin your introduction of who you are with I am Good! But I can’t because….”then here comes the many many negative excuses! Ever meet someone or maybe this someone is you that upon meeting someone you begin your speel with negativity first! I come across this weekly! I find it disheartening there is no reason to start your day or a conversation with how shitty it all is or how bad you have it! Life is life but where you mind goes energy flows and if ever word is shitty understand that it will be harder and harder to dig out of this hole! These excuses will become a part of you. They become ingrained in your system and before you know it you will take them for truth. Trying to ventures is already difficult enough but then here you go feeling and believing you are not worthy of success! Know that you are if you choose to work towards it!
Is there a Perfect Moment? No!
Whenever I share my stories of having worked in music or with animals or now that I am moving the reaction I get are: “I so wish I could do that.” “I’m jealous. I would love to move.” Or the popular “I’d LOVE to quit my job.” The “I really wish I could travel more.”
My answer to it all is “you can!” I do not have special powers to do the things I did or will do! Fear was still a part of all of my decision making. I did not get a crystal ball to tell me how to do things this way or that way! But it was always my decision and it may have not been perfect but it was always my decision. I did do my research. There was some planning and projecting, and there was a lot of soul-searching. But when push came to shove I jumped! I jumped even though I may have been scared or unsure. In most situations I wasn’t sure where I was going to land or if it was going to work, but I was determined not to sit around and wonder. Last thing I would want is to spend my life wondering what if! So I had to try and try and try!
Maybe you still are thinking that you just cant! How can you Let Go of Fear and Self-Doubt! I won’t say that I’ve conquered fear and self-doubt but instead I do my research!!!!! And then more and more! Take risk! But take educated risk! Lets be honest! Those feelings don’t just vanish. What does happen though is that your desire to achieve something, feel something, or live bigger trumps the scary feelings so much that you can move forward no matter what’s in your way. When you look fear and self-doubt in the eye and say you won’t stop me, guess what? It will not stop you!
But to begin getting your thoughts together to begin something new….I mentioned research and taking an educated risk!
Lets start with shifting Your Time and Energy! So many of us say it and say it til we believe it 100 percent that we just cant. There is no hope!!!! How about you try shifting all of that negative excuse energy to taking steps to walk towards what you want for yourself. How much time do you spend at a job you hate, you then bring hope that hatred and frustration home to your family, friends and most importantly to your pets! You do not want to do that how about mindlessly scrolling on social media instead of researching ideas on social media! You get out of the internet what you put in! you can learn so much!!!! If you spend 10 hours a week on social media, take some of that and visit Youtube and watch the never ending how-to videos on everything and I mean everything! name it! It exists!!! Time! if you are used to sharing that you just don’t have time understand that it is a lie and you know it and I know that you know it! When you have a passion for something it is amazing how you will pull time out of your ass to make things happen so I am sorry to burst your bubble of excuses but if you say you want to do something but instead share more excuses on why you cant do it bottom line you really truly do not want to do it. Maybe it is just not now but when you have wanted something you made it happen and you know I am telling the truth!!!
How about you stop doomscrolling and looking up things that interest you! Turn the TV off and for a few hours a week and take a class! See you can make it happen! Now lets us switch from one f word to another. From fear to failure! I can now look back and admit that I have learned to respect and understand without judgement my failures!!! The fear of failure can often keep people waiting for that perfect opportunity. However, failure is not the end but a part of the learning process. Every attempt, whether successful or not, teaches valuable lessons that bring you closer to your goals.
You must reframing failure and see it as a stepping stone forward rather than a setback, do this and you’ll be more inclined to take action and embrace opportunities as they come without fear! Still waiting for that golden opportunity will all the stars line up? Instead, take action, create your own opportunities, and be open to imperfect moments. Life is dynamic, and the most successful individuals are those who make the most of the opportunities that come their way, rather than waiting for the perfect one to arrive. So can you do it now! What is what you want to do! Are you now closer to understanding your limitations!
Limitations which were pretty much created by you! And as I have said time and time again! If I can believe in you so can you!!!!! Do the work, the research! Surround yourself with like minded people and be the one to make the decisions! You will not even regret failing when it was your choice! I hope something has made you think and hopefully for the better!!!
EPISODE 134 https://www.spreaker.com/show/reset-yourself-22